How To Catch Gummy Sharks – FAQ’s When is gummy shark season? A: All year round What is the minimum legal size of a gummy shark you can keep? A: 45 cm What is the bag limit? A: A combined total limit of 2 for gummy shark and/or school shark. Can I fillet...
When Is Squid (Southern Calamari) fishing season? A: All year. What is the minimum legal size of a squid you can keep? A: No minimum What is the bag limit? A: 10 per angler Can I collect squid in Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries? A: You can’t collect squid...
How To Catch Whiting – FAQ’s When is King George Whiting season? A: Traditionally it is considered December to April. You can catch King George whiting all year round in our local waters within Western Port Bay and Port Phillip Bay, but as the months get...
When is snapper fishing season? A: August to April. The main snapper fishing season begins in August (offshore), or in September in the bays (Western Port and Port Phillip), but snapper can be caught in winter. What is the minimum legal size of a snapper you can keep?...